Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mike Pence's Plane Skids off Airport Runway in NYC. No one hurt!

Here it is. More proof that the election is "rigged." Democrat Hillary Clinton used her gnarly mutant powers to make Pence's plan skid off the airport runway. I think she's in cahoots with Magneto, if you ask me. He taught her everything she knows. :D

Mike Pence's Plane Skids off Airport Runway in NYC. No one hurt!

Here it is. More proof that the election is "rigged." Democrat Hillary Clinton used her gnarly mutant powers to make Pence's plan skid off the airport runway. I think she's in cahoots with Magneto, if you ask me. He taught her everything she knows. :D

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


“I’m not racist, BUT …”

“I’m not homophobic, BUT …”

“I’m not anti-Semitic, BUT …”

"I'm not religious, BUT ..."

Well, folks, we can now add another phrase to this joyful lexicon of psychotic, enigmatic and ultimately MEANINGLESS repartee.’
“You are entitled to your opinion, BUT …”

In my fun travels through the digital no-man’s land we call social media, I’ve been seeing this phrase tossed around A LOT more, lately. Without FAIL, and in EVERY instance, it precedes a barrage of nasty INSULTS, NAME-CALLING, derogatory and brash blanket-statements to the other person.

Is this what we’ve been reduced to?


I thought most people, or rather, most ADULT people, were familiar with this ideology. Even those who haven’t even taken a public speaking course usually have heard this one. You’ll have to excuse me. There I go again, having hope for the intellect of humans. I’m gonna have to stop doing that. It’s going to be the death of me.

On the other hand, maybe most people just aren’t adults. I’ve seen irrefutable PROOF that having a chronological age printed on your ID card that is above the number 18 doesn’t necessarily mean you are an “adult." Hey, I’m cool with that. I’m not an adult, either, nor do I want to be. That’s a story for another day.

“WHEN YOU RESULT TO NAME-CALLING, YOU’VE LOST THE ARGUMENT.” It’s a catch-phrase. It’s a song-lyric. It’s been on bus-stop ads. I'm sure there's a poem written about it somewhere. Hell, I’ve even seen it printed on those little slips of paper that are inside FORTUNE COOKIES, for FUCK SAKE.

But nobody seems to give a FUCK. Nobody cares about civility, courtesy, or decency, any longer. It’s more about who can quote a bogus “poll” the fastest, or who is quickest to share the most offensive and DISGUSTING meme to their Facebook wall that insults the other party’s candidate. Then when that fails, out come the knives. The last line of defense. The name-calling. "You suck. You're STUPID. You are a NIT-WIT. You are EVIL."

SICKENING!!! I just want this election to be OVER. Can we just end this NOW, please? Have the election early. Fucking END IT!!! Just end it NOW. I don’t give a good god damn WHO WINS. They both look incompetent to me.

At the very least, enough with the FUCKING NAME-CALLING!!! It’s not helping anybody.
Why not resort to some fucking INSIGHT, instead? Ask QUESTIONS. Don’t just REACT. Breathe. Think. Read, or as Bill Hicks once said, just “Shut the FUCK up!!!”

I won’t stand for any more name-calling, and I’m not going to listen to any more of these god damned, brash, reckless, unreasonable, and unrealistic BLANKET-STATEMENTS about people.

Even if we are on the same side, I’m not going to put up with it. If you talk shit about another friend of mine, just because they disagree with you, I’m going to STRAIGHTEN your ass out. I’d do the same for you, if they were talking smack.

“Oh, she’s voting for him? She’s NUTS!!!”

“Oh, he’s voting for HER? He’s SICK!!!”

“She’s an idiot.”

“He’s a moron.”

“Those people are WACK-JOBS.”

“Those folks are SCUMBAGS!!!”

“They’re fools. They’re retards. They’re CRAZY. They’re ASSHOLES. They’re NUTS!!!”


How does THIS sound? You are ALL fucking SICK!!! You are ALL fucking mentally ILL!!! But guess what else?

I’m fine with that.

Everybody has a backstory. Everyone has experienced horrors in their lives. This world is a nightmarish and hateful place, after all. People are beating, torturing, maiming, raping, killing, and MARTYRING each other, EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY. Everyone has REASONS for why they feel a certain way. It’s not always just the blind following the blind. I can’t accept that, and I WON’T. We’ve all had something terrible happen to us that somewhat legitimizes and gives credence to why we feel the way we do.

Okay, so somebody wants to vote for Hillary. Maybe they got raped as a child by an elder. Perhaps they are related to an immigrant that got murdered by a racist band of thugs. Maybe they were married to one of those unfortunate black men who got shot-down by the police when they were un-armed. Maybe it's a Mom who lost one of her children in one of the six-dozen or so school shootings that seem to happen every week in this country. Don't judge them without getting their backstory first. They have their reasons. You want to discuss differences of opinion, fine. Leave the ANGER, resentment, and NAME-CALLING at the door. They’ve been through enough.

Somebody supports Trump? Maybe they had a loved one that got killed in Iraq, or they were related to one of the victims in the Benghazi massacre. Perhaps someone they love very much died in deplorable conditions, resulting from what they see as a failed medical system under President Obama. Maybe they were laid off from a good job that was outsourced to another country, and have not been able to find work since that time. Hence, this person’s family has been consistently starving, and battling sickness. You want to try to sway them, or reason with them? Good for you, but if they are set in their ways, LEAVE THAT PERSON ALONE. They’ve suffered ENOUGH.

Are certain decisions still going to be ultimately WRONG, in the grand-scheme? Of course they are! Obviously! But there’s nothing we can do about that. We don’t know. Only time will tell. Or whatever you want to believe in. The Grand-Master of what IS. Call it God, call is Buddha, Yahweh , Allah, The Force, Cheech & Chong, whatever.  George Carlin referred to it as “The Big Electron.” Roger Waters believes it is the natural law of science that determines things. I’ve resorted to just calling it “The Ding.” The Ding that KNOWS things. Only the DING that KNOWS things is going to know what is ultimately right or wrong. That level of intellect, however, is always going to be beyond our reach. We can only settle for enlightenment, at this point. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? It certainly worked for Gandhi. Until somebody shot him, that is >:(.

I’ve been trying to reason with people in many circles of my existence on this principal for quite some time, and I don’t think I’ve made that much progress. Oh, well!!! At least I tried. I’m certain of one thing. I can’t hate anymore. I can’t do it. It’s going to be the death of me. I’d rather die knowing I made some effort to create communication and love, rather than get killed being just another lightning rod of hate.

I love my friends and my family too much. Even with ALL the horrors I've seen. I still think most people are good people. Everyone has value. Everyone works hard to support themselves, or to support and to protect the people that they love, that love THEM. Everyone depends on someone.

No, not everybody is good. I get that. I'm not stupid. Once in awhile you will get a Stalin, or a Bin Laden, or a Hitler, or a George Zimmerman in the wood-pile (Ugh ... Zimmerman. I HATE THAT FUCKER SO MUCH. Every time I see his shit-eating green on TV, I want to ram my FIST through the screen >:(.), but these types are few and far between. These people are responsible for why we have so many victims.  

And if you are wondering, YES, I WILL be voting on November 8th, just like I’ve voted in the last three elections. Not because I necessarily think it’s going to help. It’s mainly just to keep people off my fucking back about it. I’ve been through that heartache enough times, believe me.

But as far as broadcasting which person is going to get the big fat THUMBS DOWN, don’t hold your breath. I intend to keep that a secret from now on. It’s a private fucking ballot, after-all. It’s not always vital to flap your lips about who you are voting for.

My maternal grandfather, Phillip Earl Carey was a MESS. He was a career alcoholic, womanizer, and violently abusive toward a number of his children. My Mom and my Uncle got it the worst. It was like a daily chore for him. “Go to work, come home, cut the grass, take out the garbage, do the laundry … what am I forgetting? Oh, yeah, BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF MY DAUGHTER RUTH ANN AND HER BROTHER, GLEN. Can’t leave that out.”

He was right about one thing, though, “Don’t discuss politics with ANYBODY. Even if you think that person might agree with you. And don’t tell ANYBODY who you voted for. It’s a private ballot for a reason.”

We’ve gone away from that. I think that could be the source of a lot of our problems today. I know a lot of my closest friends might disagree with me, and that’s fine. Sometimes, however, I think ignorance IS bliss. If that person’s vote isn’t causing them to create direct harm for you, leave it alone.

I really don’t give a shit who wins. Just leave me out of the discussion. There’s plenty else to talk about.

For example:  Who did Negan kill? Now, THAT’S important. That’s actually the most important reason why I don’t want there to be a war, if Trump loses. I want to see The Walking Dead to its conclusion.

Anyway, happy hunting to you all! I hope to see you all on the morning of November 9th.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

CRUZIN' FOR A BRUISIN' >:(: Ted Cruz to consider re-entering the white house race, if he wins in Nebraska.

Cruz Might Restart His Campaign, But Won’t Say He’s for Trump

     Anybody with even a microscopic OUNCE of common sense and decency is going to see this for the sneaky, underhanded, SCUMBAG move that it is. If it comes to pass, that is. It won't.
     For those who don't remember, Cruz dropped out BEFORE Kasich, which took everyone by surprise, given that it's been clear for quite some time that Kasich didn't have a chance in hell. In fact, that's why I started to nickname John Kasich, The Snowball Candidate. If anybody needed to drop out last Tuesday it was Kasich THEN Cruz. Not the other way around.
     Furthermore, Kasich and Cruz made a deal, theorizing that if Kasich didn't campaign in Indiana, it would make the path to victory much more difficult for Trump, and likewise if Cruz didn't campaign in Oregon and New Mexico, the same would be true there as well, and the states would likely go to Kasich. Seems like a sound plan, right? Too bad Cruz got his ass handed to him in Indiana. Like Tony Wendice said in Dial 'M' for Murder, "It might work on paper." 

    So, Cruz bailed out, leaving poor John Kasich to fend for himself. Some vets might see that as tantamount to a soldier abandoning a wounded comrade in the battle-field. (Not that that analogy would mean anything to a man who never served a day in the military in his life >:(.) 

     Kasich was left on his own. Knowing that he was helpless to make his way through the remainder of the campaign, he did what was natural. He threw up his white flag, and gave up the fight. I would have done the same thing, and it happened not even fourteen hours after Cruz made his announcement. 

     So, now that Ted Cruz sees there may be a wider gap for him to move forward, he's having second thoughts? 

     HOW DARE YOU??? >:(. And you always say Trump fights dirty. You need to be ashamed of yourself, Ted Cruz. After all your talk about how Trump is a thug, and a buffoon, you've just proven that you are no better than he is. 

     If you even had a narrow chance before, you sure as HELL ain't gonna get the nod now.