So, I should "SUCK IT UP," eh? You mean like the rest of you idiots were "sucking it up" moments ago when you were taking part in your public pissing contest?
It will never cease to amuse me how often I get treated like I'm about nine years old by people who think they are "more advanced" socially than I am, and that they continually need to "correct that spoiled little shit." Oh, "Yeah, Travis is talented, but sometimes he has tamper-tantrums, and you need to 'put him in his place.'" Great, so it's okay for you fuck-nuts to bust heads and lock horns, but when I do it, I'm immature, and I'm petty. Is that it? Well, here is an "adult response" for all of you:
FUCK YOU!!! Each and every one of you can BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASSES. Even a mental vegetable could see that I have a better sense of reality than any of the rest of you put together.
They say "no good deed goes unpunished," and this adage more than fits the situation I was in last night. I guess I should have seen it coming. Now that my best friend in the company has been summarily kicked to the curb, these vultures need another person to push around. Might as well be me, right?
I totally get why certain members of the theatre are routinely quiet now. Maybe it's time I learned from their example. Maybe I shouldn't even express my opinions at all. Why should I? It's just a business after all. From now on I'm keeping my stupid trap SHUT. The next time I see a situation start to flare up I won't say anything. I'll just stand there and watch the building "burn to the FUCKING GROUND," so to speak. It's going to give me a great deal of satisfaction later when those same people that have been giving me shit come back and ask me "Travis, why didn't do something? You were standing right there." and I can say back to them "Because I've warned you people numerous times in the past about your behavior, and you thanked me for it by chewing my head off. Well, never again. This is your bed of roses. You made it. You sleep in it, and enjoy those THORNS while your at it."
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