Well, it's not ever day that I get told that I need to "get a fucking job." Actually, to be perfectly frank, I'VE NEVER BEEN TOLD THAT.
Is it petty to respond harshly to someone who treats you harshly when they know nothing about you? Perhaps I'm missing something.
There's a certain sub-human that works locally. Obviously I can't name this guy, because as I'm sure most of you know, laws are in place to protect such scumbags, and if I name-drop I could get sued for libel and slander.
Forget about the fact this certain dirt-bag who must remain nameless judged and slandered ME without knowing ANYTHING ABOUT ME. That is of course irrelevant.
What's important is that I am being "PETTY" because I am giving him satisfaction. What matters is how I responded. Obviously I am just as bad as he is, because I allowed him to get under my skin.
I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't been so quick to REACT. So quick to prove that I am no better, or worse than he is. This guy commented on something I had posted in the "thespian lovers" group, and lets just say it wasn't exactly complimentary. Not only was it not complimentary, but it was completely IGNORANT and without merit. Worse even. It was condescending. IT WAS VULGAR. I was so livid that I was TWITCHING.
I've got a job, okay? In fact I have SEVERAL. It's just that the cumulative incomes of all of them don't amount to enough to where I can keep up with certain things without occasional assistance from friends, and loved ones, but I ALWAYS PAY EVERYONE BACK. I AM taking steps to correct that problem.
Why would I be making hundred mile round trips to LA if that wasn't the case?
Ignorance, consistency and hypocrisy are going to be the three colors of kryptonite that destroy me in this business. I do NOT respond well to them. The aforementioned party that passed judgement on me today is far from perfect. In fact he is the POLAR OPPOSITE of perfection, and I guarantee you he knows that better than anybody else. So, rather than make efforts to correct the faults (like I do) he SLINGS MUD on people that have DONE NOTHING TO HIM.
I've heard NOTHING but horror stories about this person. I had long since promised myself that I would NEVER work with him based solely on the incidents I had heard of from multiple sources of his ill-treatment of certain people in the artistic community that I've come to respect, admire, and even love. I was very fortunate in that he had never crossed me personally.
Today that changed. It will NEVER cease to fascinate me how quickly just a few simple words from a person worth less than sewer vermin can tear to shreds years of confidence in one's hard-work, and their network of accolades. The irony is I just saw this dude in a show, and even though I knew what kind of douche bag he is I STILL had favorable things to say about his work. I was willing to walk a mile in his shoes, and STILL give him the benefit of the doubt.
I was infuriated, and still am, but now I'm more embarrassed than anything else. Is that fair to me? I don't think so. This person pushed my buttons and I responded accordingly. They've managed to prove that I am on the same level as them. The very idea makes me want to VOMIT. Especially given that it's probably true.
I've been told that "he who is hurting OWNS the problem." Sometimes it's true. In this instance it's not. This guy ROBBED me of my day, and I am BEYOND livid that I am not being allowed to even RANT to my closest friends about it. How dare you?
This is why artists become hateful. This is why people get arrogant. It doesn't just materialize out of thin air. We have to get PROVOKED. There is only so much bullshit I'm going to listen to before I bite back. Today I bit back. Basic law of physics: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
I love my friends. That is never going to change. And why is that? Because my friends love me, that's why. Simple common courtesy. It's a pisser that certain third-grade dropouts never pick that up. I guess common sense isn't something you can be taught. It's either there, or its not.
I may be NUTS. I may have a short-fuse, and I realize that I act obnoxious, abrasive and spoiled most of the time. This person that crossed me today is all of those things and more, but I have one talent that he lacks. It's common sense. You don't BITE the hand that feeds you. I once paid hard earned money to see HIM perform. True, it was mostly by default, because I was really there to see my friends who were also in the cast, but the bottom line is I coughed up hard-earned dough to watch a play that had HIS name in the program. So, I paid for HIS show. Whether he got paid to do the part or not is immaterial. Now, I ask for help, and this miserable pile of FILTH is telling me to "GET A JOB?" He needs to GET A SOUL.
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